Understanding IP Addressing in Microsoft Azure (DIP, VIP, PIP)

Azure introduced new terms and concepts for IP Addressing.

  • Dynamic IP address (DIP)
    • the internal addresses assigned to VMs
    • either come from a private pool assigned by Azure, or if you configure an Azure virtual network (VNET), you can define your own private IP addresses ranges and subnets
    • survive OS reboots and service healing migration events
    • but when stopped, it might be assigned a different DIP when re-provisioned
  • Virtual IP address (VIP)
    • Azure randomly assigns cloud services a VIP
    • released when all VMs in a cloud service are deallocated (stopped)
    • VIP is shared by all VMs in the same cloud service
    • Microsoft allows you to reserve up to five VIPs in an Azure subscription
    • on VMs with multiple NICs, only supported on a VM’s default NIC
  • Instance-level public IP address (PIP)
    • are assigned to a VMs default NIC, and are exposed directly to the Internet, so traffic should be controlled using the Windows Firewall
    • not supported on VMs with multiple NICs



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